Vicky Li

Co-Founder/Asia Program Director

My Background

Vicky Li, Co-Founder/Asian Program Director at Shining Light Baby, began guiding Intended Parents through the surrogacy process in 2013. Her passion in life is helping childless couples and individuals realize their dreams of becoming parents; she is honored to be a part of the stories created and fully enjoys seeing Intended Parents and Surrogates come together to create something beautiful.

At Shining Light Baby, Vicky is most involved in meeting with potential Intended Parents and providing them expert insight and one-on-one attention as they learn about and consider surrogacy and family building options. Vicky maintains a close connection with Intended Parents throughout their entire journey, making sure all large and small details are handled in a timely fashion. Vicky is a source of dependable support and guidance from the moment contact is established until the baby is born and beyond.

Vicky studied at Northern Illinois University, graduating with degrees in Accounting and Music. She was a piano teacher for many years and while she is temporarily retired, she still finds much pleasure in music. In her spare time, Vicky loves spending time with her husband and children, traveling, exploring new places, going out to eat and attending Broadway shows. Vicky grew up in Taipei, Taiwan but has lived in Chicago for 30 years.

Get In Touch

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10 N. Martingale Road,
Suite 400
Schaumburg, IL 60173


Mon – Fri: 10am – 9pm
Weekends: 10am – 3m