Surrogate FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why Choose Shining Light Baby?

    Choosing Shining Light Baby means choosing a team that is dedicated to providing personalized support, comprehensive care, and compassionate guidance throughout your surrogacy journey. We prioritize your health, well-being, and the importance of a positive surrogacy experience. With our experienced team and strong commitment to ethical practices, you can trust that your journey will be handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

  • What are the qualifications to become a surrogate?

    To become a surrogate, you must meet the following qualifications:

    • Be between 21-41 years old.
    • Have had at least one successful pregnancy and be raising or have raised your own child.
    • Have a healthy BMI (typically 35 or lower).
    • Be a non-smoker and live in a non-smoking household.
    • Have no history of major complications during pregnancy.
    • Not currently receiving state financial assistance.
    • Be willing to undergo a thorough medical and psychological evaluation.
    • Have reliable transportation.
    • Be ready to commit to the process and follow medical and legal guidelines.
  • What are the steps to becoming a Surrogate with Shining Light Baby?

    The steps to becoming a surrogate with Shining Light Baby include:

    1. Initial Application: Submit your initial application online.
    2. Screening: Undergo medical and psychological evaluations to ensure you’re a good fit for surrogacy.
    3. Matching: Get matched with Intended Parents based on shared values and preferences.
    4. Legal Agreements: Sign comprehensive legal agreements outlining the rights and responsibilities of all parties.
    5. IVF and Embryo Transfer: Participate in the IVF process, including medication protocols and embryo transfer.
    6. Pregnancy and Delivery: Carry the pregnancy to term with ongoing support from our team.
    7. Post-Birth Support: Receive continued support after delivery as you transition back to your routine.
  • How long does it take to be matched with Intended Parents?

    The matching process can vary depending on various factors, such as your availability, location, and the specific preferences of both you and the Intended Parents. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to be matched with Intended Parents who share your values and goals for the journey.

  • What is the difference between a gestational surrogate and a traditional surrogate?

    A gestational surrogate carries a baby that is not genetically related to her. The embryo is created using the egg and sperm of the Intended Parents or donors and then transferred to the surrogate's uterus. In contrast, a traditional surrogate uses her own egg, making her the biological mother of the baby. At Shining Light Baby, we only work with gestational surrogates to ensure a clear legal and emotional process for all parties involved.

  • What types of people become Intended Parents?

    Intended Parents come from all walks of life and may be individuals or couples who are unable to carry a pregnancy themselves. They might include heterosexual couples, same-sex couples, or single individuals. What they all share is a deep desire to build their family through surrogacy, and they are deeply appreciative of the gift you’re providing.

  • How are surrogates matched with Intended Parents?

    Surrogates are matched with Intended Parents based on shared values, preferences, and compatibility. This thoughtful process ensures a relationship that aligns with the goals and expectations of both parties, whether you're seeking a close, family-like relationship or a more formal arrangement.

  • Will I receive compensation as a surrogate?

    Yes, surrogates receive generous compensation for their time, effort, and commitment. At Shining Light Baby, first-time surrogates can earn between $45,000 and $55,000, while experienced surrogates can earn between $50,000 and $60,000. With additional fees payable at specific milestones, bringing your total compensation to $65,000 - $75,000 or more. In addition to your base compensation package, there are certain fees payable in specific circumstances, such as carrying multiples.

  • What support will I receive during the surrogacy process?

    At Shining Light Baby, we provide comprehensive support throughout your surrogacy journey. This includes legal and medical support, mental health counseling, and a dedicated case manager to guide you every step of the way. We also offer financial coverage for medical expenses, maternity clothing, and more.

  • Can I use my own OB for this pregnancy?

    Yes! If would like to use your current or previous OB, that’s terrific! If you prefer not to work with your current or previous OB or need assistance finding another option, we are more than happy to help you locate a suitable physician who is experienced with surrogacy pregnancies.

  • Can I use a Midwife?

    In some cases, using a midwife may be possible, depending on the preferences of the Intended Parents and the medical requirements of the fertility clinic. It’s important to discuss your desire to use a midwife early in the process to ensure everyone is aligned and to determine if it’s feasible for your surrogacy journey.

  • Are there any legal risks involved in becoming a surrogate?

    Shining Light Baby takes all necessary steps to minimize legal risks by ensuring that comprehensive legal agreements are in place before the surrogacy journey begins. These agreements clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of both surrogates and Intended Parents, protecting everyone involved.

  • What happens if there are complications during the pregnancy?

    If any complications arise during the pregnancy, your health and well-being, as well as that of the baby, are our top priorities. Shining Light Baby ensures that you have access to the best medical care and full support throughout any challenges. All medical expenses and related costs are fully covered by the Intended Parents.

  • Can I have contact with the Intended Parents during the pregnancy?

    Yes, most surrogates and Intended Parents maintain regular contact during the pregnancy. The level and type of communication are based on mutual agreement and preferences established before the journey begins. We encourage open communication to build a trusting and supportive relationship.

  • Will I be required to travel during the surrogacy process?

    Yes, there may be some travel involved, especially for medical appointments or to meet the Intended Parents. All travel expenses, including accommodations and transportation, will be covered by Shining Light Baby. We work to ensure that all travel arrangements are convenient and comfortable for you.

  • What type of medical evaluations are required for surrogacy?

    As part of the surrogacy process, you will undergo a thorough medical evaluation, including a comprehensive physical exam, blood tests, and an ultrasound. These evaluations ensure that you are in good health and able to safely carry a pregnancy to term. Psychological evaluations are also conducted to ensure you are emotionally prepared for the surrogacy journey.

  • What support does Shining Light Baby provide after the baby is born?

    After delivery, Shining Light Baby continues to provide support to help you transition back to your routine. This includes emotional support, guidance on recovery, and assistance with any post-birth legal requirements. We’re here for you every step of the way, even after your surrogacy journey is complete.

  • What happens after the baby is born?

    After delivery, the baby is placed with the Intended Parents, and your role as a surrogate is complete. We offer post-birth support to help you transition back to your routine and ensure you have the resources needed for a smooth recovery.

  • What is the role of a surrogate during the pregnancy?

    As a surrogate, your role is to carry and deliver a healthy baby for the Intended Parents. You will follow medical guidelines, attend regular check-ups, and maintain open communication with the Intended Parents and medical team throughout the pregnancy.

  • Can I become a surrogate if I’ve never been pregnant before?

    No, to ensure the best outcomes for both you and the Intended Parents, surrogates must have previously had at least one successful pregnancy and be raising or have raised their own child.

  • Do I need health insurance to become a surrogate?

    If you do not have health insurance that covers surrogacy, Shining Light Baby will work with you to obtain a suitable policy. All medical expenses related to the surrogacy process are fully covered.

  • Will I have a genetic connection to the baby I carry?

    No, as a gestational surrogate, you will not have a genetic connection to the baby. The embryos are created using the egg and sperm of the Intended Parents or donors, and then transferred to your uterus.

  • How long does the surrogacy process take?

    The surrogacy process typically takes between 18 to 24 months from start to finish. This includes the initial application and screening, matching with Intended Parents, legal agreements, medical procedures, pregnancy, and delivery. Each journey is unique, so timelines can vary depending on individual circumstances.

  • Can I be a surrogate if I am on antidepressants?

    No. Fertility clinics generally require that you discontinue antidepressant medication for at least one year before becoming a surrogate. This ensures your well-being and the best possible outcome for the surrogacy journey.

  • Do I have to take medications during the surrogacy process?

    Yes, you should be prepared to take medications during the surrogacy process. Some clinics offer "natural cycles" that only involve taking birth control pills, but in most cases, injectable medications are required to prepare your body for a successful embryo transfer. Don’t worry—it’s a lot easier than it sounds, and we’ll guide you through every step.

  • Can I choose the type of Intended Parents I work with?

    Yes, you can! As a surrogate, you have the ability to choose the type of Intended Parents you work with based on your values, preferences, and comfort level. It’s important that both parties feel a strong connection and share similar goals for the journey.

  • Can I be a surrogate if I’ve had my tubes tied?

    Yes, having your tubes tied does not disqualify you from becoming a surrogate. The surrogacy process involves IVF, where embryos are created outside the body and transferred directly to the uterus, bypassing the fallopian tubes.

  • Can I be a surrogate if I’ve had a c-section?

    Yes, you can be a surrogate if you’ve had a C-section in the past. However, most agencies, including Shining Light Baby, require that you’ve had no more than three c-sections to ensure your safety and the success of the pregnancy.

Shining Light Baby

We are Surrogacy experts with a long lasting and deep passion for what we do. With more than twenty-five years combined experience in the Third Party Reproduction industry, we are vastly knowledgeable regarding the details and steps required so you will achieve your dream with a successful Surrogacy experience. Thank you for being here.

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