Become a Surrogate

with Shining Light Baby

Welcome to Shining Light Baby!

At Shining Light Baby, we believe in the power of giving the gift of life. Becoming a surrogate is an extraordinary journey filled with joy, fulfillment, and the opportunity to help build families. If you are considering becoming a surrogate, you’ve come to the right place. We are here to support you every step of the way.

If you’re ready to embark on this incredible journey and make a profound impact on a family’s life, we invite you to take the first step. Fill out the inquiry form below, and our team will be in touch with you shortly.

Why Become a Surrogate?

Becoming a surrogate is an incredibly rewarding experience that allows you to make a profound difference in the lives of others. As a surrogate, you have the unique opportunity to help intended parents realize their dreams of having a child. The journey can bring immense fulfillment, knowing that you are providing a priceless gift to a family in need. Surrogates also receive generous financial compensation for their time, effort, and commitment.

With comprehensive support from our team at Shining Light Baby, you will be guided every step of the way, ensuring a positive and fulfilling experience. Embrace the chance to create lasting joy and become part of a beautiful story of love and life.

  • Make a Difference: Experience the joy of helping intended parents achieve their dream of having a child.
  • Emotional Fulfillment: The surrogacy journey is deeply rewarding and life-changing.
  • Financial Compensation: Receive generous compensation for your time, effort, and commitment.
  • Comprehensive Support: Benefit from our extensive support network, including medical, legal, and emotional assistance.

Who Can Become a Surrogate?

To ensure a safe and healthy surrogacy journey, there are specific qualifications that must be met:

  • Age: Between 21-42 years old.
  • Health: Have had at least one successful pregnancy without complications.
  • Lifestyle: Live in a stable and supportive environment.
  • Medical Clearance: Obtain approval from your OB/GYN.
  • Non-Smoker: Lead a healthy, non-smoking lifestyle.
  • Reliable Transportation: Ensure you have reliable transportation for medical appointments.

What to Expect During the Surrogacy Process

  • Matching with Intended Parents: We’ll help you find the perfect match based on shared values and goals.
  • Legal Agreements: Sign comprehensive legal contracts to ensure everyone’s rights and responsibilities are clear.
  • Medical Procedures: Undergo medical evaluations, fertility treatments, and the embryo transfer process.
  • Pregnancy Support: Receive continuous support throughout your pregnancy, including regular health check-ups and counseling.
  • Delivery and Beyond: Enjoy the joyous moment of delivery, knowing you’ve helped create a family, with post-birth support available.

Hear from Our Surrogates

My first journey was everything I hoped for, and I felt that I wanted to help another family afterwards. In 2021, I decided to apply again to be a surrogate with Shining Light Baby. They gave me a second chance to help build a beautiful family and here I was matched in 2021 with a wonderful single mother from Barcelona.

In 2022, just like the first time, we had an embryo transfer, and it was a success! In 2023 I delivered another sweet little baby girl. I enjoyed my surrogate pregnancy and had the most amazing journey from the beginning to the end. I was blessed to have my last baby via surrogacy.

Thank you to all the staff at Shining Light Baby for giving me the gift and opportunity to have my last surrogate pregnancy and for believing in me that I could help my last family, I love you all at Shining Light Baby for being with me and caring for me all the time. You helped me from the beginning to the end of my journey

If I would have the opportunity again to help a family, I would not think twice about working with Shining Light Baby. They provide passionate support to surrogates and intended parents to ensure that they have a smooth and beautiful journey.


Shining Light Baby Surrogate